Vehicle Titles
Transfer a Title
Ohio titles are issued by Clerk of Courts title offices, the BMV does not issue titles.
Transfer on Death (TOD)
As the sole owner of a motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor, an individual may designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries to an Ohio title with a signed and notarized Affidavit to Designate a Beneficiary (form BMV 3811) submitted to a County Clerk of Courts Title Office.
- The beneficiary may be an individual, corporation, organization, trust, or other legal entity.
- A replacement title will be issued with the Transfer on Death on record.
What Do I Need to Bring to the Title Office?
A Transfer on Death beneficiary needs to bring:
- Original Ohio title
- Certified copy of the death certificate
- Application(s) for Certificate of Title to a Motor Vehicle (Form BMV 3774)
- A government-issued driver license or identification card
- Payment for title fees
Ohio Revised Code: 2131.13
Transfer with Rights of Survivorship (WROS)
For joint ownership with right of survivorship, the owners’ names on the title are shown as: John Doe and Mary Smith or WROS
- Signature of each party is required if both are living
- If one party is deceased, the surviving party applies for the certificate of title and the title is issued in the survivor’s name showing “acquired by right of survivorship”
For joint ownership without right of survivorship, the owners’ name on the title will be shown as: John Doe and Mary Smith.
- Signature of each party is required if both are living
- If one party is deceased, the signature of an executor or an administrator is required
What Do I Need to Bring to the Title Office?
- Original Ohio title
- Certified copy of the death certificate (if applicable)
- A government-issued driver license or identification card
- Payment for title fees
Ohio Revised Code: 2131.12
Transfer with Rights of Survivorship (WROS) with Transfer on Death (TOD)
For joint ownership with right of survivorship, the owners’ names on the title are shown as: John Doe and Mary Smith or WROS
- Signature of each party is required if both are living
- If one party is deceased, the surviving party applies for the certificate of title and the title is issued in the survivor’s name.
If the joint owners of a motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor, an individual may designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries to an Ohio title with a signed and notarized Affidavit to Designate a Beneficiary (form BMV 3811) submitted to a County Clerk of Courts Title Office.
- The beneficiary may be an individual, corporation, organization, trust, or other legal entity.
- A replacement title will be issued with the Transfer on Death on record.
The surviving owner has rights to the vehicle before the TOD beneficiary. The surviving owner can elect to keep, remove, or change the TOD beneficiary. To keep or change the TOD beneficiary, a new BMV 3811 must be submitted due to the change of ownership.
In order for a TOD beneficiary to receive rights to the title, both titled owners must be deceased and both certified death certificates must be presented.
What Do I Need to Bring to the Title Office?
- Original Ohio title
- Certified copy of the death certificate
- A government-issued driver license or identification card
- Payment for title fees
Ohio Revised Code: 2131.13
Transfer to a Surviving Spouse
Upon the death of a married resident who owned at least one automobile at the time of death, the surviving spouse may transfer an unlimited number of vehicles valued up to $65,000 and one boat and one outboard motor.
- Vehicles may not be disposed of by a will or transferred to the surviving spouse due to joint ownership With Rights of Survivorship (WROS), transferred to a Transfer On Death (TOD) beneficiary, or specifically disposed of by Testamentary Disposition.
- This transfer does not affect any liens upon the vehicle. If a lien exists, it will be carried forward.
What Do I Need to Bring to the Title Office?
The surviving spouse needs to bring:
- Original Ohio Certificate of Title number (if applicable)
- Certified copy of the death certificate
- Application(s) for Certificate of Title to a Motor Vehicle (Form BMV 3774)
- Clerk of Courts Surviving Spouse Affidavit (form BMV 3773) listing vehicle make, model, year, body type, vehicle identification number (VIN), and value
- Copy of the security agreement (if applicable)
- Acceptable identification (please contact your County Clerk of Courts Title Office for details)
- Payment for title fees